Oleg Tarasov
Rosja – Russia
My name is Oleg Tarasov.
I was born in Krasnoyarsk, Sibria in 1962.
After studying electronics and working as radio-engineer, I studied at Krasnoyarsk school of photography in 2003 - 2004.
My first personal exhibition was in 2003 in Krasnoyarsk, and my first pinhole exhibition was in 2006 in Togliatti, where a live now.
Pinhole is a my way to show the true condition of the natural world, unsteady and uncertain, illusory and ephemeral.
Just as when we are immersed in a stream, we do not notice the individual drops of water - we feel "water".
Over time, we do begin to notice distinct currents in the larger stream.
My pinhole photography is an attempt to communicate the entirety of surroundings - not as separate parts, but as a flowing wholeness.