V Polish Festival of Pinhole Photography - OFFO 2013
I Introduction:
1. V Polish Festival of Pinhole Photography - OFFO 2013 in Jastrzebie-Zdroj will take place in November 2013 on Gorny Slask area. Festival is a kind of invitation event. The Festival is charge free. OFFO is addressed to invited authors from Poland and foreign countries. There is a possibility to join to the Festival by sending us an application via e-mail.
2. Pictures of choosen authors will be presented at the same time in about 40 galleries on Gorny Slask area.
3. Next to the photography, on the 5th Polish Pinhole Photography Festival will take place also lectures about pinhole photography and multimedia projects. We plan to organise the vernissages of Festival in Jastrzebie-Zdroj (Miejski Osrodek Kultury) 25 X 2013 and vernissages of authors exhibitions in dates settled by galleries.
4. Organizators plan to publish one collective catalogue for all exhibitions (CD version), which will be presentations of all authors as well as it will contain some texts about theory of pinhole photography.
II Rules:
1. Authors, who want to take part in OFFO, should send via e-mail min. 5 pinhole photography to qualification. Subject matter is not definited. Max weight of 1 file is 2 Mb. Based on this, Artistic Committee will decide about qualification.
2. Authors must also write in application, how many photographies (and in which format) they want to show during the OFFO. We need also names, postal address and short CVs from all authors. Please, to write it, use application form, and also send it (as print) with photographies by post.
3.To choose photographies will be appointed an Artistic Committee.
4. Works, which will be exhibit on OFFO, should be grouped in separate exhibitions or series of photos. Acceptable format: 30x40 to 70x100 cm (size of photos or passe-partout). It is neccessary that photographies must be made by pinhole camera (and have hight quality). Photographies in frames or in untypical format or form must be negotiated with organizators (during the application for OFFO). We prefer big series (more than 10 photos), exhibitions, which were not presented in last editions of OFFO.
5. Under exceptional circumstances (too small a number of works, uneven quality of the submitted series, etc.), the organizers may (but need not), in agreement with the author, qualify only one photo for OFFO-On-The-Way.
6. It is also possibility to send (apart from photos for Festival) some multimedia productions (diaporamas, films etc.) or longer texts connected with pinhole photography.
7. Authors, who will be qualificated to OFFO are obligated to send one additional photo for „"OFFO-On-The-Way”. Rules of „OFFO-On-The-Way” below.
8. Authors, who send application for OFFO, agree that all the pictures can be use charge free for promotion-purpose of the Festival.
9.The costs of sending pictures and possible trip to Poland will be taken by authors. Photographies sent for OFFO should be protected from damages, which can be caused in transport.
10. Photographies, shown on OFFO, will be returned to authors. Cost of sending photographies from Poland to another countries will be covered by authors. Deadline to sending it back will be dependent of the OFFO schedule.
III „"OFFO-On-The-Way”:
1. The „OFFO-On-The-Way” is a collective exhibition, which will be shown in many galleries in Poland and will present one picture of every author.
2. All authors are obligated to send 1 additional photographies for the purpose of this exhibition. Format: from 30x40 to 50×50(size of photo or passe-partout), not framed. Photo should (but do not must to) refer to photographies presented on OFFO.
3. Afterwards pictures will be not return to authors, will be archived and become the organizers ownership.
IV Final remarks:
1.Final interpretation of the regulations belongs to organization team.
Sending Picture and taking part in OFFO is equivalent with accepting regulations. Not fulfiling the rules and conditions will cause rejecting an application.
2. Any additional information and explanation will be provided by OFFO's Secretary.
Contact: offo@wp.pl
or: offo5@o2.pl
Postal address: Galeria "Ciasna", ul. Katowicka 17/25, 44-335 Jastrzebie-Zdroj, POLAND
Web page: OFFO.dl.pl 3. About any possible changes, authors will be notified through mail at the earliest.
1. Sending application (as in point II 1 and II 2) and picture for catalogue and the website (1 picture 400 DPI, shorter side 800 pixels) and short artistic CV (additionally: articles or texts about pinhole art): 30 V 2013.
3. Sending pictures: 1 IX 2013.
V Organization Team of OFFO 2013:
1. OFFO Holding Group:
- Barbara Englender - Galeria "Ciasna", LTF
- Witold Englender - AFIAP, Galeria „Ciasna”
- Pawel Janczaruk - ZPAF, FRP
- Jakub Kaszuba - Jaworznicka „Szkola Widzenia”, LTF
- georgia Krawiec - ZPAF
- Krzysztof Lapka - Dom Kultury w Rybniku-Chwalowicach
- Krzysztof Sowa - Jaworznicka „Szkola Widzenia”, LTF
2. OFFO Group of Fast Reaction:
- Aleksander Bakinowski - LTF, JKF „Niezalezni”
- Olga Kawalec-Olejniczak - LTF, Agencja Image
- Jerzy Pawlowicz - PATÉ Media
- Agata Stasinska - Zamek Sztuk
- Wieslawa Stasinska - Zamek Sztuk
3.Co-working instytution, co-organisators:
- Dom Kultury w Rybniku-Chwalowicach
- Galeria "Ciasna" w Jastrzebiu-Zdroju
- Miejski Osrodek Kultury w Jastrzebiu-Zdroju
- Wiejski Dom Kultury w Olzie
- Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Jastrzebiu-Zdroju
- Biblioteka Slaska w Katowicach
- Muzeum Slaskie w Katowicach
- Zwiazek Polskich Artystow Fotografikow, Okreg Slaski w Katowicach