Series Title: „Small prospects”

Lena Källberg

Szwecja - Sweden


I have been working with pinhole cameras for almost 15 years, experimenting with different cameras until I find the right one for the expression I’m after for a particular subject or project.
The design of the camera is an important part of a project for me; tweaking and re-designing until I am happy with the result.
My pinhole work has been shown in a number of exhibitions and in print in Sweden and internationally, including OFFO 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015.
I work as a workshop leader from time to time, teaching pinhole photography and darkroom technique. When I do not, I am a freelance writer, illustrator and translator.

All the images in this series are made with a homemade wooden tea box camera with a holder for 9×12 cm glassplate holders, probably from the 1920s or 1930s. The plates are also homemade, using glass cut from old picture frames and liquid emulsion. The series was originally displayed in an exhibition at an architecture agency in Stockholm, with these little buildings presenting a contrast to the grand, flawless models of houses usually presented by such agencies.

Series Title: „Small prospects”