Z cyklu „Defying Gravity”

Scott Perry

Wielka Brytania – United Kingdom


Grauating from the University of Westminster Photographic Arts course in 2017, Scott is an artist focused on photography within its analogue state.
His practice is situated within the darkroom, making photographic prints at a time when the photograph is quickly disposibe; he instead, works with time consuming processes, often creating his own photographic material in order to present images that he makes.
Pinhole photography has become a great part of this process, iviting accidents into his image making process, allowing the photograpraphic material of light to help dictate and direct the outcome of the image.

„Defying Gravity”

All of the images were made at IWM Duxford, in the period building up to airshows to mark aviation hertiage of both the UK and Duxford. As Polish squadrons were based at the airfield during the Second World War, the relationship between the two countries is often highlighted at their shows, and I would therefore love to be able to exhibt this work within Poland.

The work produced focuses on the UK airshow industry, using pinhole cameras to create images of aircraft being prepared for displays, focusing on pilots and reinactors and their relationship to the aircraft in the build up to the main event of the display. During the process of creating this work, some of the films were affected by light exposing the film backing onto the medium format film, highlighting the fragility of the photographic process – focusing on the magic of photography and its relationship to light, often hiden by digital photography. Therefore the images were then printed back onto the film backing paper to create unique photographic objects. It is these that I would like to exhibit, alongside a series of prints enlarging these to highlight the photographic process and a series of darkroom prints from the body of work shot.