Dear Madam/Sir,
The Holding-OFFO Group will be organizing:
The 3rd International Festival of Pinhole Photography 2009.
This is the only periodic event (biennale) in the polish photography environment, which is completely focused on pinholes. The Festival is already known on the international photography market.
The 1st edition of OFFO, in November 2005, was a successful idea, which was well estimated on the polish photography market. Many magazines, such as: "Artistic Art and Business" and "Arteon" wrote a lot about its phenomenon. Also the daily: "Gazeta Wyborcza", "Dziennik Zachodni" and "Nowiny" published articles about The Pinhole Festival. The unique Post-Festival Catalogue is still to find in many library's at polish Universities, and also abroad (in Czech Republic: Karwina and Ostrawa).
During the Festival visitors could see photographic exhibitions at 25 gallery's. Each one of galleries had its own list of sponsors. The main After-Festival-Gallery has been shown afterwards in many places in Poland (Poznan, Zielona Gora and Warszawa).
The 2nd Edition of OFFO Festival took place in November 2007. The visitors of 41 galleries could also read articles about the Festival in the press, ("Biuletyn Fotograficzny", "Foto Kurier", "Zalew Kultury") on web-sites about pinhole photography and in media: TV and Radio (all-Polish and local). The Post- OFFO Catalogue was published also in a CD form.
There is one more special book edition: "OFFO on the way", that contains two pictures of each member of the Festival. This Catalogue, together with The After-OFFO Gallery was presented in many artistic "spots"on the polish map, such as: Broniszow, Wagrowiec, Poznan , Wrocław, Pila, Nowy and Stary Sącz. There are more planned places to be visited on the schedule.
The 3rd edition of OFFO, in November 2009 will be even more spectacular. There is about 40 galleries in Gorny Slask area, willing to be a part of the 3. Festival OFFO- mostly in Jastrzebie Zdroj and Rybnik (with about 50 authors-from Poland and other countries-willing to present theirs art).In January 2010 the After-OFFO exhibition will be presented in BWA and other galleries in Zielona Gora . The membership in the Festival has been confirmed by many personalities from the famous polish photo-organizations, as: ZPAF and Artyści Fotoklubu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, also by Profesors from Polish Universities and artists from International Photography Organization: F.I.A.P.
OFFO 2009, that takes place in the galleries, it's not only about photography. We are also willing to show you: pinhole films, multimedia projects, original lectures and of course: The After-OFFO Catalogue, which will include articles about theoretical and practical aspects of pinhole photography.
We would like to keep the professional level of the Catalogue and spread this unique publication on as many people as possible. We want to be a part of the short, but great story of the Pinhole Catalogue and want to proudly continue this art of making this history.
And that's why we count on you. The Holding OFFO Group doesn't have any financial revenue, that's why we would like to ask you for financial help by organizing our Festival.
Each of the sponsors will be mentioned on the list of sponsors in OFFO' Catalogue and on the Festival Web-site. Each of over 40 galleries will expose the list of sponsors next to the Pinhole Artistic Exhibition of 3rd OFFO Festival.
If you would like to support The 3rd International Festival of Pinhole Photography and/or simply buy the After-OFFO-Catalogue, feel free to donate into our bank account:
PKO BP 91 1020 5402 0000 0102 0157 7436
Lubuskie Towarzystwo Fotograficzne, Zyty 20/9, 65-046 Zielona Góra, "OFFO Festival"
Any donations will be greatly appreciated.
The 3rd Holding OFFO Group
How to take part in OFFO - short instruction
1. Send on FTP (login and password you will receive via e-mail) or on photos (titled by name and surname) for qualifications. Add your name, surname, postal address for traditional mail (before 31 III 2009);
2. Declare number and size of photos, which you want to show on exhibition - exhibition must consist of min. 5 photos (before 31 III 2009);
3. Send via e-mail 1 photo to the Catalogue (max 2 Mb) and short CV (before 30 IV 2009). You can also send longer article to the Catalogue (about pinhole photography)
It can be sent in 1 e-mail.
4. Send by traditional mail photos for exhibition:
Galeria "Ciasna"
ul. Katowicka 17/25
44-335 Jastrzębie
Dead-line: 15 IX 2009
Authors are obligated to send 1 more picture additionally for the "OFFO-On-The-Way" (collective exhibition), not bigger than 50×50 and not framed. The additional picture does not have to be a part of the main OFFO Exhibition.
5. Works from foreign authors will be sent back if theirs authors cover the cost of sending photographies from Poland. In other case the photographies will remain in Festival's archive. Photo for the "OFFO-On-The-Way" will be not returned.